Sunday, February 1, 2015, Pastor David Klappenbach installed the 2015 FLC Council. They are; Amy Bradley, Council Member; Wally Riebesell, President; Dale Dickkut, Vice-President; Joni True, Council Sec; Jim Lewis, Council Member; Keith Ottmann, Council Member; Not pictured, Amy Skillen, Council Member.
NALC pastors at the 2015 Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Pastor David Klappenbach attended the Conference and willbe sharing his information with FLC. Glad to have you back. "When In Our Music God is Glorified"
On Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 3:00 pm, the First Lutheran Church, with Rev. David Klappenbach, had the pleasure of having Rev. Bruce Jeffries, RPUMC. give a lovely presentation on the new Rodgers Organ, "When In Our Music God is Glorified". We joined in a HymnFest and together dedicated the new Rodgers Organ. It was a wonderful afternoon and enjoyed by many.
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